Inviting Family, Friends to Visit U. S.

许多学生希望邀请家人或朋友来美国做短期访问.S. 对于6个月或更短的访问时间,B-2是一个不错的选择. 美国移民局的B-2签证面试最重要的方面是.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad are:

  • 申请人与原籍国的联系证明
  • 证明旅行时间短
  • 离开和到达母国的日期
  • Ability to pay travel

As a student, 你可以通过向家人或朋友提供这些文件来帮助他们. 其他的则由访客来证明或获取.

Documentation Needed


  1. 一封由你用英语写的邀请信,表明你想邀请某人来访问. The letter should include:
    1. 来访者的全名和他们与你的关系
    2. The length of the visit
    3. 谁将为这次访问提供经济支持(如果是你的话), provide evidence of support—see #4 below)
    4. 访问的目的,如参加毕业典礼. See page 2 for an example letter.
  2. 如果是来参加你的毕业典礼, 你可以从注册办公室获得一封信,说明你的预期完成日期.
  3. 学生身份证明,如I-20/DS-2019复印件和成绩单打印件, current enrollment from MyBLUE.
  4. 你是否会在经济上支持这个人的访问, 你应该提供经济支持的证据(银行对账单), your employment letter, your sponsor’s letter, etc.)
    1. If you choose to send a bank statement, 该文件应显示帐户的历史记录,以便明确当前余额不是最近的结果, large deposit. 还包括有关账户开立日期和平均每月余额的信息.
    2. 代替银行对账单,你可以提交 Form I-134 Affidavit of Support. 如果你的来访者自己支付费用,你就不需要填写I-134表格.


  1. Application for the tourist (B-2) visa.
  2. 证明有意在美国授权逗留期限届满前返回原籍国的文件.S. Examples of this can be:
    1. Proof of employment
    2. Proof of property or business ownership
    3. Bank accounts
    4. Family ties to home country

Additional Information

Length of Stay:

访客最初获准以B-2身份逗留的时间长短由入境口岸的官员决定. The maximum initial period is six months. 如果你的朋友/家人想要逗留更长时间,他们必须申请延期. 允许的扩展数没有指定限制. 请注意,美国移民局要求至少四个月的时间来处理B-2身份的延期申请. 这并不意味着你的访客需要申请延长4个月的建议. Their obligation is to make sure that USCIS receives the extension application before their current visa expires.

Visa Waiver Program:

免签证计划允许某些国家的游客访问美国.S. 无签证旅游或商务最长90天. 查阅参与国家的完整名单, 请访问国务院网站,了解参加该项目的国家名单和访问要求.

Health Insurance Reminder:

确保你的来访者在美国期间有医疗保险. 大多数客人都需要“重大医疗保险”,这是一种健康保险,如果他们因为意外事故或疾病而住院,这种保险就会生效. Without coverage, 如果发生医疗紧急情况,你的客人可能会欠医院一大笔钱.

Implications of Staying in the U.S. Longer than the Period of the Visa:

It is important for you, and your visitors, 了解准确的出入境信息以电子方式保存在所有美国.S. visa holders. 这意味着任何在美国“逾期居留”的人都将被禁止入境.S. 会立即向移民官员提供这些信息吗. 如果你有访客以B-1或B-2身份入境, or who may come on the Visa Waiver program, 记住,他们是被允许留在美国的.S. 直到进入美国时在护照上盖章的特定日期.S. If the B visitor does not leave the U.S. 到那个日期,他们将被视为“逾期居留”访问美国.S. (unless they have filed for an extension). Consequences of overstaying a visit to the U.S. 可能会从移民官员的审查到被驱逐出美国.S. 或者甚至禁止以后进入,这取决于个人情况.

Sample Invitation Letter

下面是一封邀请函的样本,可以帮助您撰写邀请函. 您的邀请函必须以段落形式打印在Microsoft Word文档中,并包含以下所有信息,这一点非常重要.


United States Consul General

Dear Honorable Consul:

My name is (Last Name), (First Name) and I reside at (Your US Address). 我是正规博彩平台的一名学生 (Major). 我要求签发旅游(B-2)签证给 (Person you want to invite), in order to allow (her/him) to visit with me in the United States. (She/He) is my (Explain your relationship to the person) and will be visiting with me from (arrival date) to (departure date). (Explain why you want the person to visit).

During (her/his) stay in the United States, (she/he) 住在我的住所,地址如下. I will be responsible for all of (her/his) room and board expenses while (she/he) is in the United States. Upon the termination of (her/his) visit, (she/he) will return to (Country).


Very truly yours,

